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Parts for one hand:

Arduino Leonardo

Arduino analog joystick

Cheap vr controller

Jumper cables

6x Push Button Switch for Arduino

MPU-6050 6 DOF GY 521


Solder the 6 buttons, one side is a jumper cable  the other is a bare

Open the cheap vr controller , and throw it all away! except for the front buttons.

Find out which cables is grounding, upper and lower button, I did it using trial and error, I uploaded a code that use buttons to arduino and each time I changed the cables until I find out

Using the hot glue to place all 6 buttons inside the controller

Close it and connect all the exposed cables (grounding) together

Sold all grounding wires to a male jumper

Using the hot glue to place the analog joystick on top

Using the hot glue to place the arduino to the glove

Place the DOF GY 521 inside the battery compartment

wired the board

4 to 13 - all the buttons, including the joystick button

SCL and SDA to the GY 521

3v to the GY 521

5v to the joystick

A0 and A1 to the joystick

The Leonardo board have 3 GND It's perfect because we need all 3

1 to all the  buttons, 2 joystick , 3 GY 521

Final Product

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